Fortunately, there are endless ways to save water around the house that can help lower your water bill as well as your environmental impact. You can start by installing toilet systems designed to reduce water consumption.
To conserve water usage in the home, the following systems can be installed :
- Install dual-flush toilets. Dual-flush are becoming more and more popular in homes in the U.S. These toilets have been known to reduce the consumption of water by an additional 30%.
- Add, low-flow toilets. Did you know that toilets consume 30% to 40% of the total water used in homes? They are the biggest water user in the entire home. Conserve water by replacing the older 3.5-gallon toilet with a newer and more modern, 1.6-gallon toilet. You can usually look for the marking 1.6 GPF on the inside of the tank or the bowl behind the seat.
- Consider vacuum-assist toilets. This kind of toilet has a vacuum chamber that uses a siphon action. It sucks air from the trap beneath the bowl, allowing it to quickly fill with water to clear waste. Additionally, vacuum-assist toilets are relatively quiet when flushed.
It’s always a good idea to conserve water usage at home. When you can do it yourself it’s even better.